# Japanese children clean their
schools every day for a quarter of an
hour along with their teachers. This
led to the emergence of a Japanese
generation who is modest and keen
on cleanliness.

# Any Japanese citizen who has a dog
must carry special bags to pick up
dog droppings. Hygiene and their
eagerness to address cleanliness
are part of Japanese ethics.

# A hygiene worker in Japan is called
“health engineer” and can
command salary of 5000 to 8000
US dollars per month, and a cleaner
is subjected to written and oral tests
before he is appointed!

# Japan is not rich in natural
resources, and is exposed to
hundreds of earthquakes a year, but
these facts have not prevented its
becoming the third largest economy
in the world.

# In just ten years Hiroshima returned
to its economically vibrant condition
of the days before the atomic bomb

# The use of mobile phones in trains
and restaurants is prohibited in

# Japanese students must leam
ehics and eliquettas in their first six years in school.

# Even though Japan is one of the
richest countries in the world, the
Japanese do not have servants.
Parents are responsible for the
house and children.

# There is no examination from the
first to the third primary level,
because the goal of education is to
instill concepts and build character.

# If you go to a buffet restaurant in
Japan you will notice people only
eat as much as they need without
any waste because food must not
be wasted.

# The rate of delayed trains in Japan
is about seven seconds per year!!
The Japanese appreciate the
value of time and are very punctual
to minutes and seconds.

# Children in schools brush their
teeth after a meal at school. They
are taught to maintain their health
from an early age.

# Japanese students take half an
hour to finish their meals to ensure
proper digestion.

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