1. ACE – Access Control Entry
2. ACL – Access Control List
3. ADO – Active Data Objects
4. AGP – Accelerated Graphics Port
5. AI – Artificial Intelligence
6. ALGOL – Algorithmic Language
7. ALU – Arithmetic Logic Unit
8. AOL – America Online
9. API – Application Program Interface
10. APIPA – Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing
11. ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
12. ASCII – American Standard Code for Information Interchange
13. ASF – Advanced Streaming Format
14. ASM – Association for Systems Management
15. ASP – Active Server Pages
16. ATAPI – Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
17. ATM – Asynchronous Transfer Mode
18. AUI – Attachment Unit Interface
19. AVI – Audio Video Interleave
20. B2B – Business to Business
21. B2C – Business to Commerce
22. BASIC – Beginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
23. BCD – Binary Coded Decimal
24. BHTML – Broadcast Hyper Text Markup Language
25. BIOS – Basic Input Output System
26. BMP – Bitmap
27. CAD – Computer Aided Design
28. CAI – Computer Aided Instructuion
29. CAM – Computer Aided Manufacturing
30. CASE – Computer Aided Software Engineering
31. CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate
32. CD – Compact Disc
33. CD – RW – Compact Disc Re-Writable
34. CD – WORM – Compact Disc – Write Once Read Many
35. C-DAC – Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
36. CDONTS – Collabaration on Data Objects for Windows NT Server
37. CGI – Common Gateway Interface
38. CIDR – Classless Inter-Domain Routing
39. CLR – Common Language Runtime
40. CMOS – Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
41. CMS – Content Management System
42. CMYK – Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (black)
43. COBOL – Common Business Oriented Language
44. COM – Component Object Model
45. CORBA – Common Object Request Broker Architecture
46. CPU – Central Processing Unit
47. CRC – Cyclic Redundancy Check
48. CRM – Customer Relationship Management
49. CROM – Control Read Only Memory
50. CRT – Cathode Ray Tube
51. CUI – Character User Interface
52. DAC – Digital to Analog Converter
53. DAO – Data Access Objects
54. DAT – Digital Audio Tape
55. DBA – Data Base Administrator
56. DBMS – Data Base Management System
57. DCOM – Distributed Component Object Model
58. DDL – Data Definition Language
59. DFS – Distributed File System
60. DHCP – Domain Host Configuration Protocol
61. DHTML – Dynamics Hyper Text Markup Language
62. DLC – Data Link Control
63. dll – dynamic link library
64. DMA – Direct Memory Access
65. DML – Data Manipulation Language
66. DNS – Domain Name System
67. DOM – Document Object Model
68. DOS – Disk Operating System, Denial Of Service
69. DDOS – Distributed Denial Of Service
70. dpi – dots per inch
71. DSL – Digital Subscriber Line
72. DSN – Digital Subscriber Network
73. DTD – Document Type Definition
74. DVD – Digital Versatile Disc
75. e – electronic
76. EBCDIC – Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
77. EFS – Encrypted File System
78. EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
79. EEPROM – Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
80. EJB – Enterprise Java Beans
81. ERP – Enterprise Resource Planning
82. EULA – End User License Agreement
83. FAT – File Allocation Table
84. FDD- Floppy Disk Drive
85. FDDI – Fiber Distributed Data Interface
86. FIFO – First In First Out
87. FLOPS – Floating Point Operations Per Second
88. FO – Fiber Optics
89. FORTRAN – FORmula TRANslation
90. fps – frames per second
91. FRAM – Ferro-electric Random Access Memory
92. GB – Giga Bytes
93. GIF – Graphic Interchange Format
94. GIGO – Garbage In Garbage Out
95. GNU – GNU’s Not Unix
96. GPL – General Public License
97. GUI – Graphical User Interface
98. HDD – Hard Disk Drive
99. HFS – Hierarchical File System
100. HP – Hewlett Packard
101. HPC – High Performance Computing
102. HPFS – High Performance File System
103. HSR – Horizontal Scan Rate
104. HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language
105. HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
106. hw – Hardware
107. IBM – International Business Machines
108. ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol
109. IDE – Integrated Development Environment
110. IGMP – Internet Group Management Protocol
111. IIS – Internet Information Server
112. IL – Intermediate Language
113. I/O – Input Output
114. IP – Internet Protocol
115. IPX – Internetworked Packet Exchange
116. IrDA – Infrared Data Association
117. IRQ – Interrupt Request
118. ISAPI – Internet Server Application Program Interface
119. ISDN – Integrated Services Digital Network
120. ISP – Internet Service Provider
121. IT – Information Technology
122. ITPL – Information Technology Park Limited (India)
123. JCL – Job Control Language
124. JDBC – Java Data Base Connectivity
125. JHTML – Java within Hyper Text Markup Language
126. JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
127. JSP – Java Server Pages
128. kb – kilobytes
129. kbps – Kilo bytes per second
130. L2TP – Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
131. LAN – Local Area Network
132. LCD – Liquid Crystal Display
133. LIFO – Last In First Out
134. LIPS – Logical Interfaces Per Second
135. LOC – Lines Of Code
136. LSP – Layered Service Provider
137. MB – Mega Bytes
138. MBPS – Mega Bytes Per Second
139. MBR – Master Boot Record
140. MAC – Media Access Control
141. MAN – Metropolitan Area Network
142. MAU – Multi-station Access Unit
143. MCP – Microsoft Certified Professional
144. MCS – Multi Cast Server
145. MCSA – Microsoft® Certified Systems Administrator
146. MCSD – Microsoft® Certified Solution Developer
147. MCSE – Microsoft® Certified System Engineer
148. MDI – Multiple Document Interface
149. MFC – Microsoft Foundation Classes
150. MFT – Master File Table
151. MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface
152. MIMD – Multiple Instruction Multiple Data
153. MIME – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
154. MISD – Multiple Instruction Single Data
155. MIPS – Millions of Instructions Per Second
156. MODEM – MOdulator and DEModulator
157. MP3 – Motion Pictures Experts Group Layer – 3
158. MPEG – Motion Pictures Experts Group
159. MS – MicroSoft
160. MSDN – MicroSoft Developer Network
161. MSIL – Microsoft Intermediate Language
162. MSIIS – MicroSoft Internet Information Server
163. MSN – MicroSoft Network
164. MSRAP – MicroSoft Remote Administration Protocol
165. MSRPC – Microsoft Remote Procedure Call
166. MTS – Microsoft Transaction Server
167. MTU – Maximum Transmission Unit
168. NASSCOM – National Association of Software & Service Companies
169. NDIS – Network Driver Interface Specification
170. NetBEUI – NetBIOS Enhanced User Interface
171. NIC – National Informatics Centre,
172. NIIT – National Institute of Information Technology
173. NNTP – Network News Transfer Protocol
174. NOW – Network Of Workstations
175. NT (Windows) – New Technology
176. NTP – Network Time Protocol
177. NTFS – New Technology File System
178. OCP – Oracle Certified Professional
179. ODBC – Open Data Base Connectivity
180. OLE – Object Linking and Embedding
181. OMR – Optical Mark Reader
182. ONE – Open Network Architecture
183. OOAD – Object Oriented Analysis and Design
184. OOPS – Object Oriented Programming System
185. Open GL – Open Graphics Library
186. OS – Operating System
187. PC – Personal Computer
188. PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect
189. PCMCIA – Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
190. PDA – Personal Digital Assistant
191. PDF – Portable Document Format
192. PDL – Page Description Language
193. PHP – PHP Hypertext Processor
194. PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
195. PNG – Portable Network Graphics
196. PnP – Plug and Play
197. POP – Post Office Protocol
198. POST – Power On Self Test
199. PPP – Peer to Peer Protocol
200. PPTP – Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
201. PROM – Programmable Read Only Memory
202. PS – Post Script
203. PSN – Processor Serial Number
204. QoS – Quality of Service
205. RAID – Redundant Array of Independent Disks
206. RAM – Random Access Memory
207. RAMDAC – Random Access Memory Digital to Analog Converter
208. RDBMS – Relational Data Base Management System
209. RDO – Remote Data Objects
210. RDP – Remote Desktop Protocol
211. RD RAM – Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory
212. R-DAT – Rotating Digital Audio Tape
213. RFC – Request For Comments
214. RGB – Red Green Blue
215. RIP – Raster Image Processor
216. RISC – Reduced Instruction Set Computer
217. ROM – Read Only Memory
218. RPC – Remote Procedure Call
219. RTC – Real Time Clock
220. RTF – Rich Text Format
221. RTOS – Real Time Operating System
222. SACK – Selective Acknowledgements
223. SAM – Security Access Manager
224. SAP – Service Access Point, Systems Applications Products
225. SCSI – Small Computers Systems Interface
226. SRAM – Static Random Access Memory
227. SD RAM – Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
228. S – DAT – Stationary Digital Audio Tape
229. SDK – Software Development Kit
230. SGML – Standard Generalized Markup Language
231. SG RAM – Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory
232. SIM – Subscriber Identification Module
233. SIMD – Single Instruction Multiple Data
234. SISD – Single Instruction Single Data
235. SMS – Short Message Service
236. SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
237. SNA – System Network Architecture
238. SNAP – Sub Network Access Protocol
239. SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
240. SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol
241. SPX – Sequenced Packet Exchange
242. SQL – Structured Query Language
243. sw – software
244. TB – Tera Bytes
245. TAPI – Telephony Application Program Interface
246. TCP – Transmission Control Protocol
247. TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
248. TDI – Transport Data Interface
249. TPM – Transactions Processing Monitor
250. TSR – Terminate and Stay Residents
251. UDP – User Datagram Protocol
252. UNC – Universal Naming Convention
253. UNIX – Uniplexed Information and Computer Systems
254. UML – Unified Modelling Language
255. URL – Universal Resource Locator
256. USB – Universal Serial Bus
257. UTP – Unshielded Twisted Pair
258. VAN – Virtual Area Network
259. VB – Visual Basic
260. VC++ – Visual C++
261. VCD – Video Compact Disc
262. VGA – Video Graphics Array
263. VHS – Video Home System
264. VLIW – Very Long Instruction Words
265. VLSI – Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits
266. VPN – Virtual Private Network
267. VRAM – Video Random Access Memory
268. VRML – Virtual Reality Modelling Language
269. VS – Visual Studio
270. VSNL – Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
271. VXD – Virtual Device Driver
272. W3C – World Wide Web Consortium
273. WAN – Wide Area Network
274. WAP – Wireless Application Protocol
275. WHQL – Windows Hardware Quality Lab
276. Windows ME – Windows Millennium Edition
277. Windows NT – Windows New Technology
278. Windows XP – Windows eXPerienced
279. WINS – Windows Internet Name Services
280. WMI – Windows Management Instrumentation
281. WML – Wireless Markup Language
282. WORM – Write Once Read Many
283. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get
284. WWW – World Wide Web
285. XHTML – eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language
286. XML – eXtensible Markup Language
287. XSL – eXtensible Style Sheet langauge
288. Y2K – Year 2000
289. ZIF – Zero Insertion Force

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